Friday, January 16, 2009

Okay, so we would have to endure this for a little while longer. We could handle it, and our daughter wouldn't have to be in the classroom of the superintendent's wife. We could do this, and we could monitor it.

It was fine. We were biding our time. We knew that we would be leaving as soon as we could. We took our time as my husband lined up his new job. As far as I was concerned, he could not do it fast enough. He did get the new job lined up, and we bought a new house in the new place. It needed lots of work, but he was willing to do the work while we finished up business in the "bad" place. We were finally ready to move after the new year, and, let me tell you, we were ready. I was so sad to leave the two friends that I had made that had been there for me, but I was ready to move on.

I had a very sad goodbye with my friends, and I cried lots of tears, but the excitement of moving on was so invigorating. It was a new beginning, and we were so excited to find out what was going to happen next. As it turned out, it would be a new beginning after all.

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